Publications > Reports (79)

GFF Uganda - CEHURD - Participation

This report presents findings from a scoping assessment of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) as a development funding model and Uganda’s readiness to implement the project. The GFF model uses a hybrid funding approach tha...

2016 CEHURD Annual Report

The Center For Health Human Rights and Development Annual Report for the year 2016.


Maternal mortality continues to be a formidable factor in the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Uganda. Indeed 343 women out of every 100,000 women die from preventable pregnancy-related complications each year and many more suffer serious and often permanent d...

CSMMUA Strategic Planning Meeting Report

CSMMUA Strategic Planing Meeting Country Lake Resort, Garuga 11th – 12th February, 2016 Meeting Report

IDRC Project - Second Progress Report

This project aims to identify, in two sites, one in South Africa and one in Uganda, opportunities for best practice in utilising community participation as a vehicle for realising health rights. The focus on developing models for community participation in health is intended to speak to strategie...

IDRC Project - First Progress Report

This project aims to identify, in two sites, one in South Africa and one in Uganda, opportunities for best practice in utilising community participation as a vehicle for realising health rights. The focus on developing models for community participation in health is intended to speak to strategie...

Regional meeting on health system governance and community participation in health

CEHURD, in partnership with the Learning Network for Health and Human Rights (South Africa), and with support from International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is implementing a project titled, Health system governance: Community participation as a key strategy for realizing the right to hea...

Request for an Extension of the Transitional Period under Article 66.1 of the Trips Agreement for Least Developed Country Members With Respect to Pharmaceutical Products

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has expressed concern that "without extension of the transition period, access to antiretroviral therapy and other key medicines in LDCs will face real challenges"4 and with "a real danger …progress that has been made to improve access to...

Effects of Tobacco on HIV Affected communities

It has been established that exposure to tobacco through smoking is associated with poorer outcomes in HIV-associated opportunistic infections, of which TB is the commonest. The incidence rates of TB have risen rapidly as a result of the HIV epidemic. Evidence further indicates that smokers are a...

The burden of NCDs in Uganda

In 2010, NCDS killed 1,064,000 people in Uganda. 61% of deaths due to NCDs occur below the age of 70, It is estimated that for every 100,000 men in Uganda in 2010, 1,094 men died of NCDs, Of these deaths, 12% were due to cancer,15%were due to chronic respiratory diseases, 51% due to diabetes and ...

NCDs and the Civil Society in Uganda

NCDs remain conditions of late diagnosis in Uganda with a majority of people ignorant about the presentation of NCDs.

The Burden of Tobacco Use in Uganda

In Uganda, about 13,500 people die every year due to tobacco related illnesses

Content and Context of Uganda's Tobacco Control Bill 2014

The existing legal framework for tobacco control does not protect citizens against the harms of tobacco use and exposure of tobacco smoke in line with the FCTC and its implementation guidelines

The Role of the Media in Tobacco Control Advocacy

The role of media is to raise issues, to put decision makers to task to explain the issues.