Abstract Workshop/ Symposium +256 200 956006 UCHD.2023@cehurd.org Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Youtube 26 – 29, SEPTEMBER 2023 | KAMPALA, UGANDA #UCHD2023 About UCHD23 Call for Abstracts Registration Register Exhibition Sponsorship Fundraising Dinner Speakers Program Abstracts Menu #UCHD2023 About UCHD23 Call for Abstracts Registration Register Exhibition Sponsorship Fundraising Dinner Speakers Program Abstracts ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CLOSED ON 4th AUGUST, 2023! However, you can still REGISTER for the Uganda National Conference on Health, Human Rights and Development 2023 Select Conference Track Health systems strengthening Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Health, policy and the law Mental Health, Harm reduction and Wellness Multi-sectoral Collaborations, Strategic Partnerships, coalitions and Movements Focus Areas Availability and access to essential medicines and health supplies Alternative financing models for health services in Uganda Meaningful community participation and strengthening Primary Health Care Effective accountability systems Interventions aimed at strengthening the public health system Other specific pressing issues that remain unaddressed within the WHO Health systems strengthening building blocks. Focus Areas Early and unintended teenage pregnancies HIV and AIDS Sexual and gender-based violence Social and cultural norms affecting the realization of SRH Safe motherhood Maternal morbidity and mortality Self-care for SRH Feminist and positive masculinities approaches in SRH Intersectionality between SRH and non-communicable diseases Focus Areas Tracking the implementation of Uganda’s commitments on the right to health including those at national, regional and global level Social determinants of health, Realization of state legal obligations of respecting, protecting and fulfilling the right to health Use of the human rights approach in the review, development and implementation of health related laws and policies The implementation of health laws and policies Underlying determinants of health Positioning the right to health within the health, political, economic & social development agendas Interventions that are addressing equity in health Best practices in the application of the human rights based approach to address persistent health inequities Focus Areas Impact of Covid-19 mental health for different population groups Mental health of marginalized and vulnerable populations Implementation of mental health law and policies Mental health services Addressing the growing problem of drug use Rehabilitation services Focus Areas Strengthening the public sector for effective health service delivery Importance of movement and coalition building Strengthening the ecosystem for health, human rights and SRHR Building and sustaining meaningful and impactful partnerships Public-private partnerships Models and approaches for successful partnerships Innovations in partnerships and collaboration Leveraging resources through partnerships and collaborative initiatives Partnerships in research and capacity building Session Organiser/Coordinator - - - - - - Abstract Title Session description (50 words) Audience (50 words) Learning objectives (80 words) Knowledge transfer (60 words) Session Chair - - - - - Session Panelists/Speakers: These must be contacted and accept to be included as speakers in the proposed session. The following information is required for each speaker. Check add more speakers to add up to 5 confirmed speakers. I confirm that I have contacted the following speakers and they have agreed to participate in the proposed session. Speaker 1 - Comment on why the topic and speaker is proposed (50 words) - - - Add another speaker? Yes No Speaker 2 - Comment on why the topic and speaker is proposed (50 words) - - - Add another speaker? Yes No Speaker 3 - Comment on why the topic and speaker is proposed (50 words) - - - Add another speaker? Yes No Speaker 4 - Comment on why the topic and speaker is proposed (50 words) - - - Add another speaker? Yes No Speaker 5 - Comment on why the topic and speaker is proposed (50 words) - - - SUBMIT