Call for Proposals to Develop A New Strategic Plan, 2025 – 2034 for Center for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD))

CEHURD is a Non-Governmental (NGO), not-for-profit indigenous research and advocacy organization established 15 years ago to pioneer the justiciability of the right to health by advancing social justice in health and human rights in Uganda and East Africa and has been implementing its five-year strategic plan (2020 –2024) since January 2020.

The duration of the strategic plan (SP) will come to an end in December 2024. A mid-term review (MTR) was undertaken after 2.5 years of implementation to assess progress and a detailed report is available.

CEHURD plans to engage services of a consultant with expertise in formulation and evaluation of strategic plans with an advocacy focus and who has a good understanding of issues of health, human rights sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to support the process of developing a new strategic plan and enablers for its implementation. Deadline is July 15th 2024.

Access Call Details > Call for Application for Developing CEHURD SP

Access ToRs > CEHURD’s ToRs Strategic Plan Development