After 7 years of Litigation, Mr. Mubangizi Michael and Musimenta Jennifer have received their full compensation for damages after they gave birth to twins but only got one! In this case we sought to challenge Baby theft at Mulago hospital.

“While this compensation will not bring back our child, it will go a long way in helping me provide a better life for my family. I am immensely grateful for CEHURD for relentlessly walking this journey with us.” – Mr. Mubangizi

At CEHURD we believe that this case should be a wake up call to Health facilities, Courts of law, the Civil society and the State to be mindful of Human rights’ violations that affect the most vulnerable in our communities.

CEHURD is going to continue engaging the beneficiaries to ensure that this compensation is of impact in their lives.

For Details about this case; see links below;

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