Centre for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) started a pilot small grants initiative to support innovative projects among the membership of CSMMUA and the Community Health Advocates with the aim of supporting members to address the recommendations from the Advocacy Capacity Assessment and to strengthen grassroot advocacy. The Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality due to Unsafe Abortion (CSMMUA) which was established with a mission to ensure that Uganda’s Legal and Policy framework advances and reproductive health and equity for women and girls.

For this second year for the small community grants initiative, CEHURD will award small grants of between one thousand (1000) to five thousand (5000) USD to institutional members of CSMMUA and Community Health Advocates (CHAs) through an unsolicited/competitive process. The small grants are primarily for one-off innovative projects, with a duration of no more than six months. We are thus calling upon all suitable applicants to submit their proposals for these subgrants.

The main objective of this subgrant under the project is to prevent and/or reduce maternal mortality due to unsafe abortion and other causes in Uganda, especially at the community level. This is in order to reduce abortion stigma and increase access to safe abortion services.

The Centre for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) is an indigenous non-profit organization advancing health rights for vulnerable communities through litigation, advocacy and research. Over the past 12 years, CEHURD has been focused on advancing sexual reproductive and health rights in Uganda through movement building, campaigns, national level and sub-national level advocacy and capacity building as well as empowering communities to demand for their human rights.

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