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The fight against Obstetric Fistula in Uganda: Progress made but challenges remain 

According to the United Nations, Obstetric fistula is a hole between the birth canal and bladder or rectum, caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without access to timely, high-quality medical treatment. This abnormal opening leaves women and girls with a constant leakage of urine, stool or both, and often leads to chronic medical problems, depression, social isolation and deepening poverty. Ninety percent of pregnancies involving fistula end in stillbirth.  

Obstetric fistula continues to affect the lives of thousands of women in Uganda. This debilitating condition leaves affected individuals with chronic incontinence and often social isolation.  

The National Library of Medicine (National center for Biometric information) highlights that in Uganda, the current lifetime prevalence of vaginal fistula symptoms is estimated to be between 16.3-22.5 per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This translates to an estimated 140,000 – 200,000 women and girls living with fistula in the country, with over 1,900 new cases occurring annually. 

The United Nations estimates that at least two million women live with fistula in developing countries, with 50,000 to 100,000 new cases occurring each year and these numbers represent only those seeking treatment. Women and girls in Africa, south of the Sahara, are mostly affected by fistula as well as other illnesses from sexual and reproductive health causes. 

The Ugandan government has taken important steps to address this issue. In 2011, the country enacted the National Obstetric Fistula Strategy (2011/12-2015/16) which aims to guide the implementation of prevention, treatment and re-integration activities for obstetric fistula. This has led to increased awareness, training of specialized fistula surgeons, and the establishment of dedicated fistula repair centers across the country.  

Strategic partners in Uganda have also followed suit and have been seen to implement the government’s strategy. The Kingdom of Buganda forexample is also dedicated to raising awareness about obstetric fistula among mothers in the central region. To achieve this, the kingdom collaborates with key hospitals in Buganda, such as Kitovu Hospital in Masaka District, to establish necessary infrastructure and provide support. The Kabaka Foundation, a prominent organization within the kingdom, actively participates in these efforts by organizing an annual Kabaka Birthday run which focuses on fistula awareness, among others. These events serve as a platform to educate the community and garner support from both local and international sources to fund initiatives aimed at preventing and treating obstetric fistula. 

The Terrewode Women Community Hospital – Soroti District, under the leadership of Executive Director Ms. Alice Emasu, has made a significant difference as well by saving the lives of more than two thousand (2,000) women suffering from fistula over a span of five years. We need to see more of such initiatives to create a significant impact. 

However, despite these efforts, challenges remain. The New Vision publication by Umar Kashaka on 8th May 2024 highlights the worry of the Uganda Ministry of Health on the rising backlog of fistula cases. In this article, the Assistant Commissioner of Clinical Services in the Ministry of Health Dr Alex Wasomoke is quoted to have revealed that approximately 1500 fistula operations are carried out in a year but 1,900 new cases are reported annually, leaving a backlog of over 400 cases unattended to. He also noted that each fistula patient needs $400 (1.5m) to undergo surgery and this is a direct affordability concern and a barrier to access of quality care services. 

An article authored by Ndyaye and published in the Daily Monitor on May 20th, 2024, reveals that Uganda currently only has 25 surgeons specializing in fistula repair, a shocking revelation considering the immense demand for such services. These skilled providers have successfully treated thousands of fistula cases, restoring dignity and hope to women and girls who had lost all. However, the demand for fistula treatment remains largely unmet, leaving countless women unable to access these life-changing services. 

Women living with obstetric fistula encounter a multitude of challenges across various aspects of their lives. Physically, they struggle with urinary and/or fecal incontinence, which can lead to skin issues such as rashes and sores, as well as complications like foot drop. Fertility concerns, post repair surgery often plague these women, with uncertainties about their reproductive capabilities and fears of recurrence during future pregnancies. Psychologically, they face disruptions in social relationships, potential divorce, and the potential heart-wrenching loss of their babies through neonatal death. 

The stigma, discrimination, and resultant isolation from their communities contribute to feelings of depression and low self-esteem. Economically, women with fistula experience a loss of livelihood, becoming heavily reliant on family members for support, and struggle to afford necessary treatment and transportation to healthcare facilities. Socially, they encounter challenges such as impaired marital status and responsibilities, limited participation in community activities, and various forms of discrimination based on health, disability, marital status, education, and socioeconomic standing.  

Despite these hurdles, many women can successfully reintegrate into their communities post-repair, although relationship issues and fertility anxieties often persist. It is important to address the holistic needs of women with fistula, encompassing physical, psychological, social, and economic support, to facilitate their complete recovery and successful reintegration into society. 

Underlying social factors such as poverty, gender inequality, child marriage, and limited access to quality maternal healthcare continue to drive the persistence of obstetric fistula in Uganda.  Addressing these social factors through multi-sectoral interventions is crucial to achieving the goal of ending fistula by 2030. 

On this International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, we therefore call upon the government and all actors to renew its strength towards this cause. Increased investment in prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services is needed, along with empowering women and girls, challenging harmful social norms, and strengthening the overall healthcare system. Employing a comprehensive rights-based and multisectoral approach, at large, can finally place obstetric fistula to the history books in Uganda and beyond.  

It is very possible to change the status quo and impact society positively. 

 Compiled by Jacqueline Twemanye, Communications Department, Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD). 

JOB ADVERT; We are ready to welcome a new team to join our ranks!

Center for Health, Human Rights and Development welcomes applications from professional and experienced inidividuals to occupy positions of a; Data Clerk, Programme Officer-Advocacy, Programme Officer-Strategic Litigation, Monitoting, Evaluation and learning officer, Community Led Monitoring officer, Finance Officer, Internal Auditor, TB Contact tracing officer (Acholi & Lango regions).

Legible individuals should submit their application clearly indicating the position/title to the Human Resource and Administration manager via email only to

Deadline is Tuesday 30th April 2024.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Women are encouraged to apply.

Click attachment for details:

Embracing Women’s Health, Navigating Menopause in the Workplace

In Uganda, the pursuit of gender equality has seen significant strides in recent years through several initiatives aimed at empowering women in various aspects of life. Initiatives such as the Gender and Equity Certification Program and the National Gender Policy underscore the commitment to addressing gender disparities. However, it is noteworthy that there is a gap in policies explicitly targeting menopause as a workplace challenge.

It is thus essential to shed light on the often-overlooked journey of women in the workplace, especially as they navigate the unique challenges posed by menopause. Contrary to common belief, menopause isn’t exclusively an issue for older women, it can impact women below the age of 40 (pre-mature menopause), significantly affecting their professional and personal lives. This silent transition demands understanding, support, and an inclusive workplace environment to empower women during this critical phase. 

The Hidden Struggles: Menopause brings forth a myriad of challenges that can impact a woman’s physical and mental well-being, potentially influencing her overall job satisfaction and performance. Common symptoms include hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and cognitive changes. These challenges not only undermine a woman’s confidence but also disrupt concentration and impact her ability to handle stress effectively. 

The Working Woman’s Dilemma: The workplace, traditionally structured without considering the specific needs of women experiencing menopause, can inadvertently amplify these challenges. Despite the prevalence of menopause among women, it remains a topic often shrouded in silence and stigma. Many women feel hesitant to openly discuss their experiences, fearing judgment or discrimination in the workplace. This lack of awareness and support perpetuates a culture of silence, hindering women from seeking the help and accommodation they need. As women increasingly play multifaceted roles, balancing career aspirations with societal expectations, the impact of menopause on their professional lives becomes a pertinent aspect to consider.  

Efforts to promote gender equality should expand to encompass policies that address the specific needs of women navigating menopause in the workplace. Recognizing and accommodating the challenges posed by menopause aligns with the broader goal of creating an inclusive and supportive work environment where women can thrive across various life stages, ultimately contributing to a more equitable society. Incorporating menopause considerations into existing gender equality policies can further enhance the overall well-being and empowerment of women in Uganda. 

Special Message to Women: let us celebrate not just our achievements but also acknowledge the unique journey many of us navigate through menopause. It’s a phase that may bring physical and emotional changes, impacting both personal and professional spheres. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Embrace open communication, seek support, and prioritize self-care. Recognize your strength and resilience as you navigate these changes at the workplace. Advocate for your needs, and let’s work collectively to foster understanding, empathy, and positive change. You are valued, empowered, and deserving of a workplace where your well-being is prioritized.  

Examples of Workplace Neglect 

Temperature Control and Comfort: Many workplaces are not designed with consideration for temperature control, comfortable seating, or adequate lighting. This oversight exacerbates symptoms like hot flashes and fatigue. It is important that employers invest in creating a comfortable and supportive workplace environment. This includes adjustable temperature controls, ergonomic seating, and adequate lighting to accommodate women experiencing symptoms like hot flashes and fatigue. 

Flexible Work Arrangements: Some employers fail to provide flexible work hours or remote work options, making it challenging for women to accommodate varying energy levels and the need for extra rest during challenging times. Employers are encouraged to introduce flexible work hours or remote work options to allow women to manage their workloads effectively while dealing with fluctuating energy levels. 

Limited Education and Awareness about menopause: Many workplaces lack educational programs about menopause. This absence of understanding among colleagues and supervisors contributes to a lack of empathy and support for women experiencing these challenges. Workplaces may consider prioritizing implementing educational programs about menopause. This not only raises awareness but also fosters understanding among colleagues and supervisors, encouraging empathy and support. 

Limited Wellness Programs: Some workplaces lack comprehensive wellness initiatives addressing the physical and mental well-being of women going through menopause. This includes insufficient access to counseling, support groups, and fitness programs. Companies should incorporate comprehensive wellness initiatives addressing the physical and mental well-being of women experiencing menopause. This includes providing access to counseling, support groups, and fitness programs. 

Communication Barriers: In workplaces where open conversations about menopause are discouraged or not facilitated, women may feel isolated and unable to express their needs and concerns without fear of judgment. Encouraging open conversations about menopause is crucial. Creating a platform for women to express their needs and concerns without fear of judgment fosters a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. 

Creating a supportive environment for women experiencing menopause is not just an empathetic gesture; it is a workplace necessity. Advocacy for policy changes and the implementation of supportive measures is crucial to ensure that women can navigate this phase without compromising their professional growth. 

Together, let’s embrace women’s health and create a workplace where every woman feels valued, understood, and empowered to succeed.  

With solidarity,

Compiled by Nakalembe Judith Suzan, Community Empowerment Programme, CEHURD. 


CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR SUBGRANTS 2024; Small Grants to Support Innovative Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Projects

CEHURD started a pilot small grants initiative to support innovative projects among the membership of CSMMUA and the Community Health Advocates with the aim of supporting members to address the recommendations from the Advocacy Capacity Assessment and to strengthen grassroots advocacy. The Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality due to Unsafe Abortion (CSMMUA) was established with a mission to ensure that Uganda’s Legal and Policy framework advances sexual and reproductive health and equity for women and girls.

For this final year of the small community grants initiative, CEHURD will award small grants of between USD 1,000 – USD 5,000 to four (4) institutional members of CSMMUA working at community level and Community Health Advocates (CHAs) through an unsolicited/competitive process. The small grants are primarily for one-off innovative projects, with a duration of no more than six months. We are thus calling upon all suitable applicants to submit their proposals for these Subgrants.



Deadline for application is 15th March 2024.

CEHURD’s Job Openings – February 2024

CEHURD is looking for skilled, qualified, and dedicated individuals with a passion for promoting social justice in health to fill the following open positions;

Click on the job titles to access details for each

To apply for any of the available positions, interested candidates should send their application via email to the Human Resources & Administration Manager at, with a copy to The email should clearly indicate the position title.

The deadline for submission is Thursday, 29th February 2024.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, women are encouraged to apply.