CEHURD’s Annual Staff retreat was held from Monday 20th -24th Friday, January 2020 at Wash and Wills Hotel, Mbale. CEHURD’s Annual Retreats take place every beginning of the year to set pace for all forth coming activities, to plan, reflect on achievements, present new changes made in organizational structures and build staff capacities.

It is during this space that the team got to thoroughly digest and familiarize with the 2020-2024 new strategic operational plan, do intensive work planning, engage in capacity building, team building and analysing the conceptual underpinnings on the right to health. Annaul planning allows us to prioritize and make proper utilization of time, resources and budgets.

The retreat was blended with team work, trips and nature walks, aerobics, wellness & self-care sessions, group dinners and orientation of new staff with an aim of strengthening relationships, building strong teams, strategic planning, strengethening institutional culture, and restructuring.

By Twemanye Jacqueline

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