As we join the rest of the world to mark the Global Day of Access to Safe and Legal Abortion under the theme:Stepping into Our Shoes, take a minute to think of the appalling statistics on abortion in Uganda.

In Uganda, over 300,000 abortions occur annually , and the vast majority of these are unsafe. Of the 6,000 deaths annually of women due to pregnancy or childbirth , 1200 women will die from unsafe abortion, and further 85,000 women will be treated for complications of abortion.

The estimated rate of 54 abortions per 1000 women of reproductive age is far higher than the East African average of 36 abortions per 1,000. Currently approximately 40% of admissions for emergency obstetric care in Uganda are a result of unsafe abortion.

The Center for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) is dedicated to work towards achieving access to safe and legal abortion in Uganda.

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