The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) is an indigenous, non-profit, research and advocacy organization which is pioneering the justiciability of the right to health in the East Africa Region. CEHURD realizes this through a comprehensive set of programs including a public health law resource center; litigation, both strategic and pro-bono representation; research, analysis and publications; capacity building; and public policy.

CEHURD concentrates its efforts on vulnerable populations and critical issues affecting the health systems in the region such as women, children, orphans, sexual minorities, HIV/AIDs, persons with disabilities, refugee populations, and issues surrounding trade and health and medical ethics.

CEHURD’s mission is to work towards an effective, equitable, people centered public health system that ensures the full realization of the right to health and promotes respect for human rights in health care policy and practices. Our vision is to realize social justice in these systems in East African Region

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