The Community Empowerment Program aims at building capacities and resources for health and human rights. Through this program CEHURD mobilizes communities and works with existing community networks to create knowledge and awareness in order to bridge the gap between rights holders and duty bearers, to contribute to the realization of health and human rights.
Main Objectives:
• To work with communities to generate empirical evidence for advocacy on health and human rights
• To empower communities to demand for policy change in health and human rights
Strategies realized to achieve Program Goals:
- Strengthening existing government structures such Village Health Teams (VHTs) and Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs)
- Conducting Participatory Action Research(PAR)
- Establishing partnerships and providing capacity building on use of human rights based approaches for Community Based Organizations in Districts of operation
- Supporting Community Health Advocates (CHAs) and PLHIV Networks to promote participation and accountability
- Holding annual health Camps to promote access to health services
- Establishing Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Clubs in both Primary and Secondary Schools.
Past Implemented Projects
• Claiming the Right to Quality and Equitable Health Care in Uganda: the value of real synergies in legal rights, and community mobilization in poor rural settings.”
• Building synergies for the Right to Health Advocacy in Uganda.
• Health System Governance: community participation as a key strategy for realizing the right to health.
• Human Rights Advocacy to Reduce Stigma against Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and TB.
Current Projects
• Tackling Abortion Stigma and Increasing Reproductive Health Choices in Uganda (CHOICE)
• Claiming the Right to Health in Uganda: Synergizing legal rights, constitutional obligations and civil society activism (CLAIM).
• International Development Research Centre (IDRC) “Integrating research on health equity into policy and practice in east and southern Africa.”
• Clarifying Uganda’s Legal and Policy Environment on Abortion (CUL-PA)
• Advocacy for reproductive health and rights the reproductive health and rights alliance.
• Promoting HIV/AIDS literacy amongst young people through community health advocates and PLHIV networks to advocate for a reduction in stigma and discrimination in Buikwe district.
• Legal Approaches to strengthen Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in Buikwe District, Uganda
• Promoting Legal Empowerment and Social accountability in the Delivery of Health care services in Uganda through implementation of the Patient Charter Framework (LESA – Project).
• Promoting Sexual Reproductive Health literacy and bridging national family planning advocacy to community led initiatives on access to sexual reproductive health services
• Intellectual property, access to medicines and health information in Uganda.
1. Western Uganda;
- Kamwenge
2. Eastern Uganda;
- Manafwa District
- Jinja
3. Northern Uganda;
- Kitgum
- Gulu
- Arua.
4. Central Uganda;
- Kiboga,
- Kyankwanzi,
- Butambala
- Buikwe
- Wakiso
- Kampala
- Luwero
- Nakaseke
- Mukono