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Press Statement: Judiciary Endorses the Need for a Sexuality Education Policy in Uganda

Press Statement: Judiciary Endorses the Need for a Sexuality Education Policy in Uganda

Filename Ruling-_-CSE-Case.pdf
Filesize 2.22 MB
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Date added November 17, 2021
Downloaded 5071 times
Category Press Releases
Tags comprehensive sexuality education, comprehensive sexuality education in Uganda, press statement, sexuality education, sexuality education in Uganda
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Kampala – Uganda. Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) with joy welcomes the long-awaited ruling from the High Court of Uganda at Kampala in the case of CEHURD vs. Attorney General & Family Life Network [Miscellaneous Cause No. 309 of 2016]. The High Court agreed with our submissions and the trial judge, Hon. Justice Lydia Mugambe, directed the Ministry of Education and Sports to develop a comprehensive sexuality education policy within two years, among other orders.

Another point of contention in the case was the use of the term, “comprehensive” sexuality education. To this, Hon. Justice Mugambe stated that, “The inclusion or exclusion of the term ‘comprehensive’ is a simple matter of form that should never derail the substance of this process.”