Press Statement: Medical Interns Issue Notice to Sue Over Ministry of Health Directive

Press Statement: Medical Interns Issue Notice to Sue Over Ministry of Health Directive

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Date added December 13, 2021
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Category Press Releases
Tags medical interns in uganda, medical interns strike
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Kampala – Uganda. Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) on behalf of the Uganda Medical Association (UMA) and the Federation for Uganda Medical lnterns (FUMI), has issued a notice of the intention to sue in response to the Ministry of Health’s directive for medical interns to vacate hospital premises. UMA and FUMI are exercising a constitutional right to carry out industrial action geared at resolving the challenges faced in the day-to-day execution of their work, training, service delivery and welfare. The challenges range from lack of proper supervision, lack of accommodation, poor remuneration and poor working environment, among others.