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Recommendations for Parliament's Consideration: A Right to Health Analysis of Uganda's National Health Insurance Scheme Bill

Recommendations for Parliament's Consideration: A Right to Health Analysis of Uganda's National Health Insurance Scheme Bill

Filename Analysis-of-Uganda-National-Health-Insurance-Scheme-Bill.pdf
Filesize 723.54 KB
Version pdf
Date added June 15, 2020
Downloaded 1294 times
Category Discussion Papers, General
Tags Health Insurance Scheme
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In the following brief, we provide a right to health analysis of the Government of Uganda’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Bill No. 27 of 2019.

We analyse the content of this bill according to the binding and authoritative standards of the right to health in international human rights law in order to highlight the extent to which the bill as drafted might assist or fall short in realizing this right.

We also consider where Ugandan constitutional rights and law may support these analyses. In addition, we consider the extent to which this Bill accords with the guiding principles of universal health coverage (UHC) under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

We are also aware that the global COVID-19 pandemic poses tremendous challenges for Ugandan health care settings and for the ability of initiatives like the current NHIS Bill to successfully launch. Accordingly, we consider the implications of a Ugandan COVID-19 epidemic for the NHIS initiative as planned.