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Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) Report for the DINU-LESA Project

Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) Report for the DINU-LESA Project

Filename LESA-ROM-REPORT.pdf
Filesize 62.98 KB
Version 1
Date added January 13, 2022
Downloaded 400 times
Category General, Reports
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CEHURD was selected among the grantees to undergo a ROM process by an expert hired by EU. A ROM review is an external and impartial assessment of an ongoing intervention, aimed at enhancing results-based management. The ROM consultant used a standard methodology, to assess the LESA action design, relevance, effectiveness and sustainability. Additionally, the ROM process is aimed at establishing action achievements, level of collaboration with other EU funded government programs, challenges, lessons, areas of improvement in order to devise recommendation for effective action implementation.

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