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A briefing note; Taking stock of the Status of Maternal Health Status and Key Health Rights Issues in Uganda

A briefing note; Taking stock of the Status of Maternal Health Status and Key Health Rights Issues in Uganda

Filename Mps-brief-note-Taking-stock-of-the-maternal-health-status-2023.pdf
Filesize 706.87 KB
Version taking stock of the maternal health status 2023
Date added October 11, 2023
Downloaded 61320 times
Category Fact sheets, General, Technical Brief
Tags #Briefing note, maternal health

The health of the population is a development issue.

The Uganda Vision 2040 identifies human capital development as a key driver of economic transformation through harnessing of the potential demographic dividend (DD).

The demographic dividend is defined as “an opportunity for economic growth and development that arises as a result of changes in population age structure which are likely to happen when fertility rates decline significantly, prompting the share of the working-age population to increase in relation to previous years’’.

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