Publications > General (142)

The Kampala Declaration on Health, Human Rights and Development (UCHD)

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), the Ministry of Health of Uganda, Makerere University School of Public Health, hosted the Inaugural Uganda National Conference on Health, Human Rights and Development (UCHD) at Mestil Hotel, Kampala-Uganda, between 27th to 29th of Sept...

A Walk Through the CEHURD Garden; Situating Ourselves in the SRHR Movement in Uganda

The book "A Walk Through the CEHURD Garden" presents the story of the Centre for Health Rights and Development (CEHURD) through the perspectives of various authors, offering an in-depth analysis of the organization's impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and its role as a mai...

Report for the Uganda National Conference on Health, Human Rights and Development (UCHD)

The report for the monumental Uganda National Health Conference on Health, Human Rights and Development (UCHD) is now available for download. CEHURD in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Makerere School of public Health with support from partners hosted the inaugural Uganda Nation...

The Journey of Litigating Reproductive Justice Cases; Lessons from Uganda

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) has been a trailblazer in using litigation as a strategic tool to promote reproductive justice (RJ) in Uganda. It has actively engaged with courts and quasi-judicial bodies since its inception to advance the protection of the right to h...

Keynote Address; Celebrating milestones in Health and Human Rights' work in Uganda

On 26th September, we convened a pre-UCHD conference gathering to commemorate the advancements in a crucial field pivotal to the realization of the right to health. The event centered around the theme "20 years of Health Policy and the Law: Celebrating Milestones in Health and Human Rights work i...

The Legal and Policy Framework on Medical Abortion Self-Care Policy Brief - 2023

This policy brief highlights the urgent need to address these challenges and emphasizes the importance of ensuring universal access to legal and safe abortion services for girls and women of reproductive age worldwide. It advances conversations on the need for comprehensive policies and interven...

Training guide on the Harm Reduction Model and Abortion Self-care

With support from International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), CEHURD has developed a training manual/guide to provide a step-by-step, hands-on guide to the training of health service providers in using the abortion Harm Reduction Model and medical abortion self-care. The training guide a...

A briefing note; Taking stock of the Status of Maternal Health Status and Key Health Rights Issues in Uganda

The health of the population is a development issue. The Uganda Vision 2040 identifies human capital development as a key driver of economic transformation through harnessing of the potential demographic dividend (DD). The demographic dividend is defined as “an opportunity for economic grow...

The Legal And Policy Framework On Medical Abortion Self-Care In Uganda

With an aim of transforming public policy and legislation to create an enabling environment for medical abortion self-care as a key part of a supportive health system for abortion care, CEHURD has developed this paper with the aim of building on the wealth of knowledge and resource materials on ...

Call for Applications for the Mentorship Programme 2023

The Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development seeks to support a group of young females affiliated to organisations in the areas of Advocacy, Gender and Climate Change, Public speaking and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights as part of its mentorship program. Submit your applicatio...

CEHURD's Annual Report 2022

We are excited to share with you our Annual Report for the year 2022, highlighting the valuable lessons learned, significant milestones achieved, and the outstanding programmatic and operational efforts undertaken by our secretariat staff. This report showcases how CEHURD successfully navigated t...


CEHURD actively supported the NEAPACOH 2023 process, which was hosted in Kampala, Uganda by the Parliamentary Health Committee, government, and other partners. The conference, themed "Achieving #UHC and #SDGs in the post-COVID era: The role of Parliamentarians," brought together parliamentarians,...

The Eastern And Southern Africa Ministerial Commitment (2021-2030): A Legal Analysis

CEHURD in collaboration with Planned Parenthood Global and UNESCO commissioned a legal analysis of the 2021-2030 Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Ministerial Commitment on education, health and well-being of adolescents and young people. The analysis was undertaken i...

COURT RULING; Miscellaneous Cause No. 185 of 2022

In the case of Center for Health, Human Rights, and Development (CEHURD), Mugerwa Raymond and Sentongo Robert Versus Jaro Hospital Limited and Odongo James (Miscellaneous Cause No. 185 of 2022), where Mugerwa Raymond a 14-year-old was unlawfully and illegally detained over nonpayment of hospital ...

PRESS STATEMENT: CSOs Call for an End to the Persistent Stockouts of Essential Medicines and Health Supplies (EMHS)

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) with partners Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS-Uganda), The Uganda Medical Association (UMA), Action Group for Health, Human Rights, and HIV/AIDS (AGHA), Family salvation, held a CSOs Press conference to highl...

Ruling - Constitutional Application No. 26 of 2018 (SGBV Application)

This morning, we received a positive ruling in Constitutional Application No. 26 of 2018; Brief Background In 2018, CEHURD, Nnamala Mary & Kakeeto Simon filed Consitutional Application No. 26 of 2018 against the Attorney General seeking an order from Court to red...

Handbook for Community Health Advocates on Governance & Accountability, Lugbarati version

Translated to Lugbarati language; This Handbook was prepared to guide community Health Advocates, grass root paralegals, community-based groups and organizations during community awareness sessions on the topic of Health and Human Rights. It is part of a broader campa...

Handbook for Community Health Advocates on Governance & Accountability, Kakwa version

Translated to Kakwa language; This Handbook was prepared to guide community Health Advocates, grass root paralegals, community-based groups and organizations during community awareness sessions on the topic of Health and Human Rights. It is part of a broader campaign ...