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Publications > General (135)

Litigating Tobacco Control in Uganda: Implications of British American Tobacco LTD Vs Attorney General and CEHURD

Uganda enacted the Tobacco Control Act (hereinafter called “the TCA”) in 2015 as part of fulfilment of Uganda’s obligations and commitment as a party to the World Health Organisation Framew...

Motion for a Resolution of Parliament to Stop Teenage Pregnancies in Uganda

The motion for a resolution of parliament urging the government of Uganda to establish and implement policies and strengthen existing laws to stop teenage pregnaciens in Uganda was moved by Dr. Bukenya Micheal Iga the Member of Parliament representing Bukuya County and Chairperson Committee on He...

National Study on Men, Masculinities and the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Realisation in Uganda

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) undertook a national study covering 10 districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Buikwe, Lira, Mbarara, Isingiro, Gulu, Kamuli, Arua, and Mbale on the influence of masculinities on the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Uga...

News Bulletin - January

Monthly News Bulletin for the Month of January - February

Operationalization Of The Opera Framework In Advancing The Right To Health In Uganda

The OPERA Framework, developed by the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), has previously been lauded as a unique and adaptable monitoring and accountability tool suitable for tracking government’s fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights. The framework invites right to heal...

Parliamentary Resolution on Maternal Health, 2011

Motion for a resolution of parliament urging government to institute measures to address maternal mortality ad other maters incidental thereto

Position paper on the legal implications of the guidelines for clinical decision making when pregnancy places a woman’s life at risk

Abortion in Uganda is largely restricted and only permitted for the preservation of a woman’s life. Uganda also has criminal sanctions within the Penal Code Act, Cap 120 which criminalizes the supply of abortifacients, as well as assisting a woman to have an abortion and the woman conducting the ...

Presentation of Key Health Issues Important for NEAPACOH

The 14th session of the Network of African Parliamentary Committees of Health (NEAPACOH) took place in Kampala, Uganda on February 22 – 23, 2023. Following the meeting, various commitments were endorsed by delegates and members of the Parliamentary Committees. In preparation for the upcoming 1...

PRESS STATEMENT: Advocates Reject Constitutional Court’s Ruling that it has no Competence to Address the Crisis of Preventable Maternal Mortality in Uganda Appeal to Supreme Court Planned

(June 5 2012) Advocates have sharply criticised the ruling by Constitutional Court on whether or not the Court has standing to hear Petition Number 16 of 2011, a landmark case on preventable maternal mortality, the rights of women, the right to health and the right to life.

PRESS STATEMENT: Civil Society Raise Concern Over Access To Oxygen During The Second Wave Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In Uganda

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  WEDNESDAY, 16TH JUNE 2021 Kampala – Uganda. Today, the undersigned civil society organisations have convened the press to express concerns over access to Oxygen therapy in the country.

PRESS STATEMENT: CSOs Call for an End to the Persistent Stockouts of Essential Medicines and Health Supplies (EMHS)

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) with partners Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS-Uganda), The Uganda Medical Association (UMA), Action Group for Health, Human Rights, and HIV/AIDS (AGHA), Family salvation, held a CSOs Press conference to highl...

Programme for the 4th Annual National Conference on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

4th Annual National Conference on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 20th – 21st September 2017 Topic: Devolution and Service Delivery Theme: Local Government and Service Delivery in Uganda: Achievements, Challenges and the Way Forward

Promoting and strengthening the interconnectedness of research, training, policy and practice to contribute towards the attainment of universal access to SRHR in Africa

The SET-SRHR project (strengthening education and training in sexual and reproductive health and rights) regional conference held at Entebbe-Uganda, aimed at supporting and strengthening the interconnectedness of research, training, policy and practice in sexual and reproductive health and rights...

Promoting The Health And Human Rights Of Adolescent Girls And Young Women Using The Existing Legal Framework On Abortion In Uganda

An estimated 56 million induced abortions occur worldwide each year, with up to 25 million (45%) of them being unsafe. Unsafe abortion occurs when a pregnancy is terminated either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards, or b...